Monday, February 13, 2012

Chicken chili

This can be made into a vegan/ vegetarian recipe by leaving out the canned chicken!
You've probably noticed that I've been posting a bunch about food recently.., well... I'm gearing up for Miss Texas, so I've been experimenting with easy healthy alternatives that will help me become the best me I can be by July, along with working out alongside Cassey Ho, one of the best trainers on YouTube!! Check her out at

Anyways... Here's the recipe! It can be added to/ subtracted from depending on your fridge and tastes

Beans of your choice:
I used 1 can each of
Chick peas
Black beans
Red beans ( in chili sauce)
3/4 can tomato paste
1/4 cup water
Drizzle olive oil
Drizzle red wine vinegar
About 1/2 -1 cup each of
Chopped onion, jalapeño, parsley, celery, tomato
3-5 cloves smashed garlic
1 can chicken( optional)
Combine all In a pot and cook until onions are tender

I cannot stress how important eating right is, I just recently began keeping a food journal, and it's so surprising how much unnecessary food you eat through the day that could be causing weight gain, as well as energy loss.
What does the bible say about food?

So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life-your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life-and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. (Romans 12:1 MSG)

We need to honor the Lord with not only what we wear, and our actions, but the food we eat. It sure will be a challenge for me, because I tend to over eat... So using moderation is something I need to work on! What do you need work on? Pray for strength to overcome whatever is binding you from being happy and healthy!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Veggies...not just for vegetarians anymore

Here's a delicious recipe for an easy vegetarian dish... Adapted from Cassey Ho of blogilates tv's version of this recipe!
What you need:
Angel hair spaghetti (I prefer whole wheat)
1 avocado
Juice of 1 lemon
Basil ( fresh or dry)
Tbs of water
Salt and pepper
Olive oil
1 cup onion ( red or white)
2-3 cloves garlic
Beans! ( I used edamame, but black would work)
1 diced tomato
Jalapeño (optional, but recommended )

Alright. 1st you want to cook your spaghetti, it shouldn't take long, you can do everything else while waiting for your water to boil.
Put your avocado, lemon, water, and basil in a food processor and blend until smooth, season with salt and pepper.
In a frying pan,drizzle olive oil, and sauté garlic ( crushed) onion, beans, jalapeño and any other vegetables you like. Red bell peppers would be good in this as well! Once it's all sizzling and pretty much cooked, add chopped tomato.
By now your spaghetti should be done, just mix everything together, and enjoy!

Health: Avocados are high in fat, but it's a natural fat that is really good for your hair, and keeping skin supple!
Beans are protein and will keep you full longer, And whole wheat pasta will give your body complex carbs for a healthy energy. Add the mixed benefit of your veggies, and you've got an extremely nutritious meal!!