Monday, January 16, 2012


Are you truly happy? I can answer that for you. Nope. Happiness is a lot like a bad friend. It comes and goes. But when you have a relationship with Christ, Joy becomes your best friend.
Here is the difference between somebody who is after Gods heart and a poser. Somebody with the joy of the Lord inside of them is fulfilled. Satisfied. Confident in who they are. On the other hand, posers use anything to make themselves feel and look better than they are, such as tearing others down, doing illegal things to fit in or look cool, or using drugs or alcohol to feel good.
"Don’t destroy yourself by getting drunk, but let the Spirit fill your life. "(Ephesians 5:18 CEV)
"It's a scandal when people waste their lives on things they must do in the darkness where no one will see. "(Ephesians 5:12 MSG)
If they curse or use the Lords name in vain...
"Watch the way you talk. Let nothing foul or dirty come out of your mouth. Say only what helps, each word a gift. "(Ephesians 4:29 MSG)
All these things show that somebody is not living a good life, the temporary pleasures in life may bring small bursts of happiness but never joy. Drinking, using drugs, bullying somebody, even hurting yourself may seem like the right thing to do at the time. They're not. "Rip the cover off those frauds and see how attractive they look in the light of Christ." (Ephesians 5:13 MSG)
Need fulfillment? Look to Christ.

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