Saturday, August 20, 2011

DIY, New Shorts, and...SCHOOL

 So I was feeling extremely crafty the other day so I searched the web for fun DIY's, and ran into Wearingitonmysleeves's blog!! She had a cute tutorial for making rosettes out of felt, and I duplicated it, using T-shirt material! Check out her DIY for basic instructions!

 Leave a comment about my hair accessory making! Success ...or failure????

ALSO! I went thrift shopping the other day and got these wonderful shorts that my family insists on making fun of! Well, I feel spiffy in them, plus they're comfy!

AND school is starting up again!
In order to have a good school year, I recommend reading devotionals in the morning before school, or at night before bed, or anytime that you want. Keep those regular, because the more we read God's word, the closer to his heart we become. And that's when peace sets in, which can be pretty darn helpful during normally stressful school!
The Apostle Paul wrote the book of Philippians while locked up in a nasty jail cell, in the worse condition, yet it is the single-most joyful letter he wrote that is contained in the Bible. So if school reminds you of a prison sometimes... we have a lot to learn from Paul. Philippians 4:6-7 is one of my favorite verses!

God Bless!
 And have a great first day of school!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the shorts, so cute! :)And how did you make the rosette hair accessory?
