Monday, August 22, 2011


Here's something that's been grating on me lately... In our culture, girls are encouraged to be sexy and provocative, and that's what is considered attractive.

we live in an defintion#1 sexy culture, which can be considered definition#3 sexy, and girls are encouraged to be definition#2 sexy.

We are trained to think that what men want to see is revealing clothing and seductive behavior.
But when it comes down to it, who would rather have a guy call her sexy over beautiful!?

The desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world.

(1 John 2:16)

 Women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control.
(1 Timothy 2:9)

Here's a challenge for you:
First I'd like you to take a good look in the mirror. 
No really, go look at yourself. 
List 10 things you like about yourself. If you want, take an expo and make a list on your mirror. 
5 need to be outward- (like your teeth, eyes face arms shoulders legs, fingernails, eyebrows... whatever!)
5 need to be inward. -( any spiritual gifts, a few personality traits, abilities)

If you don't love yourself, the creation, how in the world can you expect to be able to love the Creator?
Culture may say that your body type, bone structure, skin tone, hair color, or figure is unattractive. In God's eyes it is beautiful. Because the creator of the stars, moon, earth, rainbows, butterflies, flowers, mountains... actually everything,
made you and loves you and rejoices in YOUR beauty. 

You can be not only self confident, but God confident, the obsession with being seen as sexy will pale in comparison to being a valued creation of the maker of the universe.

If anyone is struggling with this, or if this made you think, angry, confused, empowered or even slightly hungry, tell me about it at or in the comment section below.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

DIY, New Shorts, and...SCHOOL

 So I was feeling extremely crafty the other day so I searched the web for fun DIY's, and ran into Wearingitonmysleeves's blog!! She had a cute tutorial for making rosettes out of felt, and I duplicated it, using T-shirt material! Check out her DIY for basic instructions!

 Leave a comment about my hair accessory making! Success ...or failure????

ALSO! I went thrift shopping the other day and got these wonderful shorts that my family insists on making fun of! Well, I feel spiffy in them, plus they're comfy!

AND school is starting up again!
In order to have a good school year, I recommend reading devotionals in the morning before school, or at night before bed, or anytime that you want. Keep those regular, because the more we read God's word, the closer to his heart we become. And that's when peace sets in, which can be pretty darn helpful during normally stressful school!
The Apostle Paul wrote the book of Philippians while locked up in a nasty jail cell, in the worse condition, yet it is the single-most joyful letter he wrote that is contained in the Bible. So if school reminds you of a prison sometimes... we have a lot to learn from Paul. Philippians 4:6-7 is one of my favorite verses!

God Bless!
 And have a great first day of school!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Help

73% of critics
67% popularity increase
7.8 stars on imdb

I saw the movie "The Help" with my father yesterday, and thought I'd do a review.
Set in 1963, in Jackson Mississippi, a town consumed by segregation and where racism is a normality. While the movie is not a quite accurate depiction of the level of racism in that time period, (it was much worse than the movie portrays) the amount shown is enough to break your heart.
Emma Stone played Skeeter Phelan, an ardent and candid protagonist who doesn't have a problem with speaking her mind, and aspires to be a journalist or novelist, or both.  Caught in a world of upper class young baby boomers, Skeeter is single, and still living with her mother, who is plagued with cancer. After receiving a job at a Jackson newspaper, writing the cleaning column, Skeeter asks a friend if she can interview her maid, Abilene about cleaning tips for her column. Viola Davis, (Abilene), gave an almost Oscar winning performance, you see the obvious elephant in the room when Skeeter begins to interview the maid, and Skeeters peers take notice, belwildered at the respect Skeeter has for the lower blacks who weren't even allowed to use white toilets. Skeeter's cleaning column research ensues, while she begins interviewing other black help as well, collecting stories from their point of view, eventually published in a book, that causes a scandal in Jackson, and puts Skeeter, and all the maids involved in the book, in danger.

Period pieces are always so difficult to recreate, but I found the time period believable, and the all-star cast truly delivered with real, poignant characters.

Tackling racism, parenting, down south tradition, gossip, prejudice, discrimination, lies, peer pressure, cancer, and grief,  While creating laughs and aww moments through unlikely friendship,  funny revenge, and a ditsy blonde.
I laughed, cryed and laughed and fumed and cryed and enjoyed every minute of the film.
I recommend recommend recommend this movie!!!

"You are all sons of God through faith in Jesus. There is neither Jew, or Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:26-28

God doesn't see skin color, he sees souls.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Online Window Shopping, and Inner Beauty!

I was on, doings some "online window shopping" and found some necklaces I HAVE to share!

I'm all about cool necklaces!

We represent Jesus in every way once we put our trust in him, through our actions, word, and how we present ourselves! If you like cool necklaces also check out my falling whistles post!

I'm making these cute verse pictures for my tumblr, thought I'd share one!

So let that inner beauty shine!

Our culture always emphasizes outer beauty, and a lot of us seem to forget the most important kind of beauty..INNER! Which I believe comes from the fruits of the spirit, (Galatians 5:22-23)
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, tolerance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Pageant, Carter's Crew, and Tumblr

Hey everyone!

So, In the time since I blogged last, I've...
1. Won the National American Miss Talent competition
 Check out my song here....

2. I shot a promo for Carter's Crew Undercover, soon to air on

Some pictures from shoot:

3. I made a Revaluating rubies tumblr!
It has a lot of pictures, fashion, videos, music, verses... arranged pretty darn cool;) so check that out when you get the time! Or NOW! GO!

Just following God's plans;)
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11