Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Sweet Sixteen, and Gearing up.

Yesterday was my sixteenth birthday!
I didn't really have a party, or get a car, or my licence, but I did go to dinner with my family had had the best lobster i've ever had! So thats good!
              So I've been gearing up for my pageant coming up, last minute song changes and memorizing! I have about two weeks so thats what I've been doing (instead of blogging :/)
Excuses, excuses, I know.
So I made a really yummy iced coffee today!!

Ingrediants: 4 cups water, 9 tablespoons Starbucks french Roast coffee beans(grinded to medium)...but any coffee will do, half and half and chocolate syrup to taste, and ice!
serves 3, yum!

I'm excited for pageant and claiming this verse going into it! "Colossians 3:23---
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."

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