Monday, May 9, 2011

Hitting the books. And prayer.

Lately I have been SWAMPED with school work and such. It seems like everything gets thrown at you at once! So between homework, studies, tests, rehearsals, and auditions... when in the world do you have time for reading anything but your assigned english book...(such as the bible)...? My solution... get a lamp next to your bed, and read before you go to sleep.

Have you ever been on the phone with someone you care about and talk untill one of you falls asleep? Thats what I find mysellf doing every night before bed. Just talking about my day with the Lord. I would like to challenge you to try it out! You may feel funny at first, like your talking to the ceiling, or the inside of your eyelids. But God hears our prayers, and just a mustard seed of faith is all it takes. Vent about your day or the people in your life that you're worried about, things you are thankful about from your day, questions you wish to pose to the Lord, anything! If you are more of an early riser, you could pray while your getting ready in the morning.

Put GOD on speed dial!
So there is my challenge. The more comfortable you get talking with God, the easier it becomes. The big clincher that ends a lot of relationships is communication. And your relationship with God is just so! But he'll always be there when you call.
 Another Matthew West song!
Lyrics are powerful, and explores the spirit of prayer!

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