Friday, April 22, 2011

It's Friday, Friday..... Good Friday!

         Reflecting on today, it was good. I went to the mall with a good friend and made my first purchase from Urban Outfitters (ON SALE of course) and spent more money on yummy food than clothes (typical Kaylee move) Theres my new shirt... Yay bargains!!!
Ironically... it's also Good Friday. How fitting... right? hahahaha... no.
         This day is in memorial of the day that killed the only piece of perfect that has ever graced the earth.
It's easy to forget what Good Friday is about... because good Friday connontates Easter, which is a joyful holiday!

         Good Friday is the day where a son, destined to die, cried until blood, instead of water ran down his face. He pleaded with God, begging for his life. But he knew, and God knew... He was the way, truth, and light. No one could come to the father... except through him. Jesus was accused of doing things he never did. Spit at, whipped one crack of the whip away from death, beaten, mocked, and crucified. 
If I were in his position, after the first whip I'd have yelled " You fool! Do you know who your whipping?!" Then sick a legion of angels on everyone and escape into heaven. Add a chariot of fire in there and lots of trumpets. Yeahhhh.

             if Jesus had done that... the hope, joy, and most importantly... the love we can accept from him would be almost unattainable. He bore every sin the human race ever committed (or will commit) that "good" Friday. OUCH to the billionth degree!! Why? Because he loves every single one of us. He did that for me. He did that for you.

              He did that for the slightest possibility you'd hear about what he's done for YOU, and follow him. But good Friday isn't good Friday without Easter. Because why would ANYONE devote their life to a dead guy?
              Jesus defeats the seemingly undefeatable. Death. If he hadn't rose from the dead on Easter... the story would have ended on Friday. And now, I have the coolest savior ever. He rose from the dead, and knows and loves me personally.
Good Friday is the 1st chapter of a new book. He gave his life for me. The least I can do is give him mine. Good Friday. A day of mourning. A day of reflection. A day of redemption.

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