Saturday, April 30, 2011

Like Royalty

        The Royal wedding was BEAUTIFUL. The dress... the carriage... the dress...the ceremony. ...the dress. Did I mention the dress? I LOVED the lace sleeve AND her VEIL!

What I thought was awesome was the large amount of scripture used in the ceremonies! Wow!!
It seems like Kate was certainly one in a million... now she's a princess! What we don't realize is that when we are in a relationship with Christ, Who is also known as King of Kings and Prince of Peace, we become a part of the heavenly family, the most royal of all!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Devotional done right.

Have you ever tried doing a daily devotional and find it had to stay committed? Do you even know what a devotional is? It's basically a daily bible reading/journaling activity! I never could get into devotionals... they felt like homework to me. And I dislike homework. But then I got this book at my nearest book store!
It has the whole daily reading inside of it, so theres no flipping through the bible looking for that one passage. And it's in the message translation so its a really cool, fresh, easy way to read and understand scripture!
This actually is a gender neutral book. (for guys... it comes in gray!)

So here is an example of what one of these is like!
I'm on day 87, called...
"I'll worship you undivided". So it has the passage Psalm 86:14-17,
and it has 4 tasks. (normally consists of Read, Think, Pray, Live... each is 2-3 sentences) These entire daily devo's take 5 minutes each, give or take, and they have taught me so much about how a relationship with God works AND they are... dare I say... FUN! I actually look forward to what the days passage is now!
I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone! I will go to my deathbed advocating for every person to try this book. Truly is well done!
Click here to buy it online or see other reviews!!
Have a great day!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Soul Server

my little brother suiting up for action!
I certainly did not have a typical Easter Sunday! While many people got up around eight, and dolled themselves up for church, I got up at 6, and went to downtown Dallas in a sweatshirt and barefaced to feed the homeless!  My dad, brother and I decided to try it out and it was very fun! There was a church service and worship for all the attendees before the meal, lead by a rough motorcycle-looking guy with LOTS of charisma! It was definately an experiance to remember, seeing the pure gratitude in the people's eyes.
In the heart of downtown, I bet the worship music was heard for blocks! Amazing experiance, and I definately reccomend it! If you live in the Dallas is the link to the sponsor church! 
As christ followers, we are commanded to care for the widows, orphans, and homeless.
 Its an amazing thing to step back and see the christlike love flowing through yourself and fellow believers onto these people! There is no purer joy than the one you get from serving others!!
Hope everyone's Easters were awesome!

Friday, April 22, 2011

It's Friday, Friday..... Good Friday!

         Reflecting on today, it was good. I went to the mall with a good friend and made my first purchase from Urban Outfitters (ON SALE of course) and spent more money on yummy food than clothes (typical Kaylee move) Theres my new shirt... Yay bargains!!!
Ironically... it's also Good Friday. How fitting... right? hahahaha... no.
         This day is in memorial of the day that killed the only piece of perfect that has ever graced the earth.
It's easy to forget what Good Friday is about... because good Friday connontates Easter, which is a joyful holiday!

         Good Friday is the day where a son, destined to die, cried until blood, instead of water ran down his face. He pleaded with God, begging for his life. But he knew, and God knew... He was the way, truth, and light. No one could come to the father... except through him. Jesus was accused of doing things he never did. Spit at, whipped one crack of the whip away from death, beaten, mocked, and crucified. 
If I were in his position, after the first whip I'd have yelled " You fool! Do you know who your whipping?!" Then sick a legion of angels on everyone and escape into heaven. Add a chariot of fire in there and lots of trumpets. Yeahhhh.

             if Jesus had done that... the hope, joy, and most importantly... the love we can accept from him would be almost unattainable. He bore every sin the human race ever committed (or will commit) that "good" Friday. OUCH to the billionth degree!! Why? Because he loves every single one of us. He did that for me. He did that for you.

              He did that for the slightest possibility you'd hear about what he's done for YOU, and follow him. But good Friday isn't good Friday without Easter. Because why would ANYONE devote their life to a dead guy?
              Jesus defeats the seemingly undefeatable. Death. If he hadn't rose from the dead on Easter... the story would have ended on Friday. And now, I have the coolest savior ever. He rose from the dead, and knows and loves me personally.
Good Friday is the 1st chapter of a new book. He gave his life for me. The least I can do is give him mine. Good Friday. A day of mourning. A day of reflection. A day of redemption.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Taking the stage

I had an audition today for an advanced theatre class at a Senior High School, we had to have 2 monologues and a song.
Something I've always loved about the entertainment/theatre industry is the people you meet, and connections you make! BUT, the entire purpose of pursuing entertainment is not to make money, or gain fame, noteriety, or red carpet status. It's to use what I do on stage or behind the camera to minister to fellow workers and the audience.

AMTC is an organization that is based on exactly that. Training performers to have the skill to be able to compete in the entertainment industry, with the motive of ministry. Being a light in the dark! Everybody has a calling on thier life, and if you're like me and have this ridiculous urge to move people to laughter, tears, or both at the same time, I highly reccomend it as a jumpstart to get you those vital connections every performer needs. My best friend, a dancer, and I competed together and she ended up tying for grand overall dancer!!!
 CLICK HERE for her video! Now she is at a high school specific for performing arts in Dallas, majoring in dance! God does work;) Remember... "God is watching over His Word to perform it."(Jeremiah 1:12) All it takes is a mustard seed of faith! (or more... if you prefer:))
Have a great day!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Social Commentary?

My theatre teacher always says "Practice doesn't make perfect, Perfect practice makes perfect." So here I am "perfecting" my practice. I have an audition for an advanced Junior theatre class called Productions!
It's always a challenge to find audition material that really suits you and you can connect to.

I have a view on the arts in general... It is a sort of social commentary, but the question I always ask is "Does this material positively challenge aspects of society with constructive critism, or does it dig on the things that I hold dear to my heart?"
Turns out, this is a suitable question for anyone to ask of the art they enjoy. (TV, Movies, plays, books, song lyrics) Basically, if it makes you feel dirty after watching it, it may not be the right thing to spend time on. For instance, I used to love Glee, because of its music, but now that it's become so sexual, I'm losing the desire to watch it at all. 

Sometimes I have to stop and remember that while, yes, tv and movies are peachy keen, theres something bigger than primetime television that deserves my attention more!
I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11).
The God who knows my potential, and has a huge plan!:)
The Center by Matthew West! Completely captures the want to know God's plan!
 Have a great week!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Wishy Washy Weather

It seems the weather in Texas doesn't want to make up its mind! A few days ago we had hail the size of basketballs and now it's 92 degrees and counting! It's even better when your school's air conditioning system is broken;). Now that its warming up, its time to bring out the skirts! I've noticed from surveying clothes in school that the ridiculously short, tight, black skirt is very popular. For people (like me... OR you!) who don't enjoy that whole...shrink wrapped thing... Heres an equally/better choice:)
This Spring skirt is a red floral A-line skirt. And it doesn't have the Oh-so common black elastic band like alot of the fall or winter skirts...
                         This would be super cute with a white shirt/blouse, and a belted gray cardigan!

When we step out into the world, As Christ followers, we represent our God in everything... our actions, and how we present ourselves.
And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Colossians 3:17)
This week, take a look at your life. Thank the Lord for all he has given you! Thank you for my family, for your gift of salvation, or even giving me a passion for (enter your passion here)! Write it out!:) Keep that list by your bed or on your bathroom mirror where you can refer/ add to it. It stays as a great reminder of the things to be thankful for when things may not go exactly your way.
Have a great week!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Trying this out!

I seem to be on the computer A LOT. But not for any important reasons. I just default power up laptop when I get home... so why not do something impactful!? BLOG. So here we go!:)
Verse for the day...
Proverbs 27:19
Just as water mirrors your face, so your face mirrors your heart.
So if your face looks like this... may want to check the condition of your heart;)