Thursday, February 21, 2013

Going Against the Grain

Have you ever had a strong conviction about something, but completely terrified to act on it?

That was me today.

I am a major people pleaser, don't like having or making enemies... I pretty much want everybody to feel content in relation to me.
Which is a great attribute sometimes to have because it makes me keep my mouth shut when I want to say something rude or out of place.

But other times, it cripples me and I become a human doormat. The last thing I want is to compromise my core values and beliefs. But when it means having an unsure and uncomfortable conversation... Like everyone, It's not the most comfortable situation to find myself in. but I couldn't dance my way around the conversation I had to have today.

Tonight I read a bit in the word, looking for some verses that speak to me about confrontation and hard discussions. I really recommend reading the book of Proverbs, I find that anytime I'm worried or don't have peace about a situation, the wisdom in Proverbs is so helpful. Even if you AREN'T a Christian, I recommend reading them simply because they offer very common sense ideals and solutions to hard situations.

"In the end, serious reprimand is appreciated far more than bootlicking flattery." (Proverbs 28:23 MSG)

"An evasive eye is a sign of trouble ahead, but an open, face-to-face meeting results in peace". (Proverbs 10:10 MSG)

"Careful words make for a careful life; careless talk may ruin everything." (Proverbs 13:3 MSG)

Really, in the end, I think this verse sums up the hope we should have in everything working out for the best:

"Do your best, prepare for the worst— then trust God to bring victory. "(Proverbs 21:31 MSG)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Warning: Nostalgia Ahead

I've been extremely sentimental and nostalgic lately.

Looking back at these four years of high school, I'm so flabbergasted at how I can still get wrapped up in daily mundane struggles. I should be proactively looking into the future.

There's so much life to be lived ahead.
It's also crazy to think that all the life I've experienced totals to 17 years. And I can consciously remember even less than that. I'm young. I don't think I am a fully mature, independent woman yet. Young woman, yes. But no way do I have the raw life experience and hard knocks that can turn a punk into an adult.

That's what all young people have to realize and respect about the generations above us. They have years over us. Life. Thousands more mundane days...and more extraordinary days too.

I feel myself becoming less and less of a teenager everyday. It's crazy how somedays you can just feel yourself settling into the person you are going to ultimately develop into, and taking a couple correct steps down the path God has paved for you.

Thanks for reading.
Nostalgia.... Done.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

One Step at a Time

I watched an interview with our new Miss America the day after she was crowned, and found deep encouragement in her words. Mallory Hytes Hagan was Miss New York 2012 before she won MA. She moved to New York 5 years ago from Alabama with nothing but $1000 in her bank account. She was actually a waitress while she was competing for Miss New York. She had some good advice about college that has encouraged me that I'm on the right path in regards to my higher education.
"It’s okay for you to take time to figure out what your passion’s going to be. And education is extremely important but let’s make sure that you’re going to school for what you want to do and that you have a passion for what you are doing”

Perfectly said, Mallory. If I could give advice to any high schoolers who are unsure about what path after high school, it would be this: take it one step at a time.
I don't know what my major will end up being, or when I will achieve it. There is such pressure to jump right into a major university setting when a lot of us aren't ready and are unsure of why we are there. I feel such peace knowing that I'm not on a time crunch to make a rash decision.
With my ultimate purpose in life to fulfill Gods plan for my life, I found that I had to let go of my obsession with finding MY perfect college, and meditate on what Gods perfect plan says of my future.

I cry out to God Most High,

to God who fulfills his purpose for me. (Psalm 57:2 ESV)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Miss Keller 2013

To keep up with me during my new reign, please follow


Friday, August 24, 2012

Something's fishy...

My dinner!
Thought I'd share this dish I made that I'm rather proud of.
Spicy cod filet with okra, tomato and onion on top of brown rice pilaf.
I baked the cod wrapped in tinfoil with some peppers and onions plus spices.
The okra and tomato topping for the rice was okra, tomatoes, onion and jalapeños sautéed in a pan.

In the spirit and theme of "fishy"....

And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men. (Mark 1:17 KJV)

Will you drop everything and follow him?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Respect, Class, and a Chicken Sandwich.

All this talk about chick-fil-a is starting to get really nasty, and honestly I am appalled by the way the national conversation about this has become a national argument. It is arguments like these that have divided our nation.

We live in a broken, sinful, world. While I do have my personal opinion about the situation, in the end I know that I am not of this world, and I am not called to love the sins and temptations of it.
What I AM called to do is: Love God and let his will be done in my life, and share God's love and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all.
I believe in the love story that God has written for us.
The bible is a not only a guidebook but a story of God's pursuit of the hearts of the human race. And our constant ignoring of a loving father who sends his son to overcome death so with faith in him we can be saved and transformed.

A lot of people have been offended by Dan Cathy's comments about his beliefs and faith, and opinions.
Others have been offended by the backlash against his statements and business.

I am proud of the rights we have as American citizens to use our freedoms of speech, religion, and assembly (among others).

Both sides of this argument have fully used these rights, and I will fight for the right for any group to protest, voice their opinions, or worship whatever they please, so I can retain my rights to do so as well.

The main things that are lacking in this controversy is RESPECT and CLASS.
Respect for Dan Cathy's RIGHTS of speech and religion.
Respect for the LGBT community's RIGHTS of speech, and to protest or to boycott if they want.

Can we please inject some class into the conversation, and stop name calling? Using derogatory terms toward The LGBT community, or terms like "bigot" and "homophobe" all hurt the same... And only pour salt in wounds.

Words can be healing, or dividing. And right now what our country needs is healing, and something to remind us that our differences don't have to tear us apart. In order to keep America strong, we need to be united as a nation, not divided by economic class, political parties, or gender. Differences don't have to be divisive, instead they can be the very glue that holds us together.

I encourage an intellectual and civil conversation on the issues at hand, because I believe that is the only way this issue can be solved.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Raw goodness

The past few weeks I've been experimenting with raw veganism. No, it's not a cult. My best friend was a vegetarian for a year and chose to cross over to raw veganism. Basically, the diet consists of eating pure, uncooked fruits, veggies and nuts. I was not consistent on this, I tried my hardest to see the benefits that my friend experiences from it with an open mind. As a pageant girl, fruits are something that are kind of demonized when in preparation of a diet regime to get in shape, merely because they are high in sugar, and sugar can be the cause of weight gain in a lot of circumstances. What's so interesting about raw vegan is that over half of your diet relays on fruit in a given day. We'd have fruit smoothies with kale, watermelon, plums, berries, and normally a huge salad for dinner. And dessert was probably the biggest surprise of them all to me. FIG AND DATE PIES. Guilt free. The crust was walnuts, almonds, dates and coconut oil. Filling was purred fresh figs, dates, and agave nectar. Paired with coconut milk, it was probably the most satisfying dessert ever, because I knew exactly what I put in it was fresh.

this diet is a cleanse diet, and while I can't say that I'm completely a raw veganist now, I definitely have a new understanding that pure food is the best food, and all the added chemicals and preservatives that we consume in a day really do drag us down.

try one or two raw vegan recipes, or one day eating a fully raw vegan diet, plan out your meals for the day, and if anything, do it for the cleanse, because Your body will thank you for it.